TTC First Lady Convene Meeting with Stakeholders From Civil Society, Faith-Based Organizations, Business & philanthropic Communities On Initiative To Benefit Those Hit Hard By Hunger.
H.E. Governor Andrew Mwadime through the Office of the First Lady has convened a meeting with stakeholders drawn from civil society, faith-based organizations, business and philanthropic communities to create an initiative to benefit those hard hit by hunger.
The Office of the First Lady stated that the project targets to complement efforts conducted by the National Government and County Government.
Projects done by the National Government and County Government are still showing impact, however, the hunger problem is immense hence more food needs to be distributed to close this gap.
The project will be launched tentatively on November 4th.
A 3-day fact-finding mission commences tomorrow.

Everyone is welcome to donate foodstuff, water and clothes towards this initiative to benefit the needy where the dropping points in Voi Sub County shall be located at ACK St Peter’s Cathedral and Jamia Mosque.
ACK St James and Mwatate Mosque will serve as dropping points at Mwatate Subcounty,
while the County Social Hall will play this role in Wundanyi.
Those in Taveta and are willing to give their donations, may visit ACK St Andrews Ngaringashi to drop off their contributions.

A committee of 5 members drawn from civil society, faith-based organisations, business and philanthropic communities has also been formed to support this project.
Program Coordinator ActionAid Pauline Atieno lauded the initiative as it would have a multisectoral approach towards dealing with hunger.
Food shortage has been attributed to Climate Change which has caused prolonged droughts.