KNH Patients Disrupt CS Deborah Barasa’s Media Briefing Over SHA Failure
Ministry of Health officials led by Cabinet Secretary Deborah Barasa had a hard time on Wednesday during a press briefing they had organised to update Kenyans on the Universal Health Coverage uptake in Nairobi.
The patients who had been keenly waiting for an opportunity with the health officials disrupted the press briefing demanding answers over uncertainties and bureaucracies they have been subjected to over the use of the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF).
Patients protested SHA system failures and the lack of support, saying, “It’s not working.”
“SHA is not working, we are tired” Patients storm Health CS Deborah Barasa’s press briefing; say hundreds are stranded at KNH over SHA system hitches.
Among the patients was a mother of a 3-day-old baby, who had just undergone a caesarian section surgery and could not be processed to leave the hospital.
”We have walked all the way from Kenyatta because of this thing called SHA, can you tell the truth to Kenyans,” another patient added.