TaitaTaveta County Government Rolls Out A Mentorship Program Scheme In A Bid To Instill A Hardworking Culture.
The County Government has rolled out a mentorship program for beneficiaries of the County scholarship scheme in a bid to instill a hardworking culture and excel in their academics.
Education, Libraries and VTCs CCO Lonyce Mwakio said today’s mentorship at Kenyatta National school Mwatate has drawn students from Wundanyi and Mwatate sub-counties.
“Apart from giving support for their academics,we also instill good values through mentorship and tips on academic success.We also teach them on dangers of drug abuse and early pregnancies.”
The students were warned against engaging in indiscipline cases which threaten to jeopardize their academic journey.
“Today we are going to enter an agreement with you that if you don’t score a mean grade above B for three consecutive end term exams, you will be discontinued from the scholarship scheme and the opportunity given to another deserving and hardworking student,” warned County education fund board Ag CEO Lawrence Mwakio.
He added that majority of the learners come from poor backgrounds noting that they require a lot of affirmation, training and a lot of development.
“They need to be taught to manage their time well,be confident, to be self-aware and to develop as a whole being.”
Psychologist Becky Macharia took the students through mental health tips.
“For you to excel in your exams you have to be in good mental health. Desist from drug and substance abuse and other activities that can plunge you into depression and bad mental health.”
Via The Taita Taveta County Government